The Bake Book

Posts Categorized / cheesecake

new york cheesecake

New York Cheesecake via Smitten Kitchen Adapted from Gourmet Magazine, a perfect example of why I miss it so The changes I made to the original recipe were to one and three-fifths (yes, exactly that) the crumb crust because I like those that go up the walls (you still might have a smidge more than you need […]


key lime cheesecake

Key Lime Cheesecake with Mango Ribbons via Smitten Kitchen Adapted from Gourmet, May 2002 In last weekend’s incarnation of this recipe, I finally had a chance to try out my unbearably cute new mini-cheesecake pans. I discovered that halving the recipe made about 12 minis (I had a tad extra), hopefully helpful for future mini-cheesecake endeavors. As […]


chocolate peanut butter cheesecake

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake via Smitten Kitchen Cheesecake batter adapted from Bon Appetit; crust, fudge layer from this cheesecake, also from Bon Appetit Really, I can’t go any further without warning you that this is the type of cake where even a sliver will feel like a massive portion. I think the cake in full could serve […]